28th November 201928th February 2024Uncategorized MEET OUR GOVERNORS The composition of the Federated Governing Body of Holy Name Catholic Primary School and Our Lady & St Philomena’s Catholic […]
28th November 201928th November 2019Uncategorized GOVERNING BODY 2019 On 23rd October 2019 the Governing Body of Holy Name Catholic Primary School and the Governing Body of Our Lady […]
28th November 201928th November 2019Uncategorized OLSP GOVERNORS’ ATTENDANCE OUR LADY & ST PHILOMENA’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL ANNUAL ATTENDANCE 2017-18 2018-19 Sep.17 Nov.17 Feb.18 Mar.18 May.18 Jul.18 Sep-18 […]
28th November 201928th November 2019Uncategorized Holy Name Governors Attendance HOLY NAME CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL ANNUAL ATTENDANCE 2017-18 2018-19 Sept.17 Nov.17 Jan.18 Mar.18 May .18 Jul.18 Sept.18 […]