Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

In line with our Mission Statement, which guides us to fulfil each child’s potential we strive to maintain a high quality curricular provision for each child, regardless of ability. A proportion of our children may have special needs and we aim to meet their requirements through a flexible, appropriate and varied provision.

The provision is co-ordinated by the school’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (Early Years SENDCo) Mrs C Hughes (SENDCo) Mrs H Perry, who can be contacted via the school office.

Tel: 0151 525 3545

The SEND Governor is Mrs Julie Brown

The SENCo ensures that all staff follow the SEND Code of Practice, to support the needs of every pupil. This support may be provided through differentiated work in class, extra support through small groups or on an individual basis, or using specialist services form outside the school.

At Holy Name, we work in partnership with agencies such as:

  • SENISS (Special Educational Needs Inclusion Support Services)
  • SLT (Speech and Language Therapy)
  • CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services)
  • Educational Psychology
  • SEN Consortia
  • Seedlings (Counselling Service from YPAS)

The Children and Families Bill requires Liverpool schools to publish information about services that are available for children and young people with special educational needs. This is known as the Local Offer

Download: SEND Policy (PDF)

View: Our Local Offer Contribution

Download: SEND Report (PDF)