The composition of the Federated Governing Body of Holy Name Catholic Primary School and Our Lady & St Philomena’s Catholic Primary School isĀ  14:


Ms F Sibert is a retired teacher who was Head of Maths at a Catholic High School in Liverpool. (Foundation Governor)

Mrs E Kelly is a Bank Manager. Her child was a former pupil at OLSP. (Foundation Governor)

Fr K McLoughlin is our Parish Priest at Holy Name and Our Lady & St. Philomena’s. (Foundation Governor)

Mr P Beacon is a Financial Adviser. His 2 children were former pupils at HN. (Foundation Governor)

Mrs J Brown is currently a DHT in a Liverpool Catholic Primary School. (Foundation Governor)

Ms C Deering is an officer in School Improvement Liverpool. Her son attends OLSP. (Parent Governor)

Ms J McQuaid is in Finance in Industry. (Foundation Governor)

Mr B Hicks is a retired AHT from our local Catholic High School. (Foundation Governor)

Mrs S Daniels is Senior Leader at our local Catholic High School. (Foundation Governor)

Mr P Doyle is Head of School at OLSP. (Staff Governor at OLSP)

Mrs C Burns is AHT at HN. (Staff Governor at HN)

Mrs A Radford is EHT. (HT Governor)