Our Aims
Holy Name Catholic Primary School is a Voluntary Aided Catholic School provided by the Archdiocese of Liverpool and the Parish community of Holy Name in Fazakerley, with the assistance of the Local Authority, Liverpool Children’s Services. It is hoped that the following information proves useful to you, as we welcome you and your child to our school family.
The education of your child is of paramount importance to us, as well as you. It is a partnership between Parents, Governors, Staff, the Parish Community, the Archdiocese of Liverpool and Liverpool Children’s Services, where we are all working for the benefit of all the children entrusted to our care.
Our school building is one storey and has ramps to access the building. Signs in the school are also in Braille and pictorial as part of our Dyslexia Friendly School status. We also have a portable loop, which can be made available, on request. There is a bay in the car park for the disabled. We operate a policy of Inclusion and have been awarded the Inclusion Mark (Advanced Level). Pupils with disabilities will not be treated less favourably than other pupils. We have an Accessibility Plan to increase access for pupils with disabilities to be DDA compliant.
If you ever have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact school. On occasion it may be necessary for an appointment to be made.
At Holy Name we aim to:
- Create and foster an environment, which reflects the spiritual and teaching of Christ within the Catholic Faith.
- Develop care and respect for others, their Faith and Culture.
- Provide a welcoming, safe and stimulating Learning environment.
- Promote high standards of achievement in all aspects of school life.
- Provide Quality Teaching and Learning.
- Encourage a strong partnership between home, school, parish and the local community.
- Provide a rich and meaningful curriculum, which challenges and supports all in reaching their full potential.
- Provide Quality Leadership and Management at all levels.
Charitable Deeds
As a Catholic School we undertake a charitable deed each term to demonstrate our Christian beliefs in helping others less fortunate than ourselves.