Pastoral Care and Discipline

At Holy Name we are committed to the use of positive reinforcement of good behaviour. We adopt an Assertive Discipline Policy. This is evident in every day life and formally recognised at the weekly Golden Assembly each Friday morning and the Golden Assembly at the end of the school year.  The classes with the best weekly attendance and the best behaviour and attitude are also awarded.  We strive to celebrate the children’s achievements in as many ways as possible recognising achievement, progress and effort. Praise and encouragement are always at the forefront.

We believe that Parents are the prime educators, and we wish to work in partnership with you. If you ever have a concern, please do not hesitate to contact school in order that the matter may be shared and resolved. Occasionally it might be that an appointment may be necessary.

Unacceptable behaviour is recorded in an Incident Book. Parents will be notified, by the Head teacher, regarding serious incidents. In serious cases, where children are not co-operating, they will be asked to go home for their lunch. We use these sanctions to maintain a calm, safe atmosphere where children can thrive. It is always made clear that it is the behaviour which is unacceptable. We respect each child, and each child is respected and loved for his or her uniqueness. Every child is encouraged to develop self-discipline from an early age. We rely upon the firm foundation of a strong partnership between home and school in order to help our pupils grow and develop into responsible and caring, independent young people.

Parents need to acknowledge that the school has the power to use reasonable force, in exceptional circumstances, as outlined in the policy on Restraint.  Parents are advised that all school policies are available on request.


Parish Links

Our school enjoys close links with the Parish of Holy Name. Our Parish Priest, Fr. John Hindley, is a regular visitor to school. There are also close links with the Parish in the preparation of the children for the Sacraments.

Every Sunday, at the Parish 11.00 a.m. mass, there is a “Children’s Liturgy” or “Children’s Church”. This helps the children in their understanding of the Eucharist and Faith. It develops a greater sense of belonging in the Parish.   As a school, we strongly recommend attendance at the “Children’s Church” each week as it nurtures a stronger bond between the school, home and their Parish.

At the beginning of each school year there is a Mass to dedicate our year’s work to Almighty God. Parents and members of the Parish are warmly welcomed to join us.  At the end of the year we take time to thank Almighty God for all that we have achieved together with the help of His grace and love.