View our Prayer and Liturgy Policy
The Nature of Collective Worship
We believe that Christian worship in a Catholic school is concerned with giving glory, honour, praise and thanks to God. It is our loving response, in word and action, to God's invitation to enter into a relationship, made possible through the work of Jesus Christ and the witness of the Holy Spirit.
The Place of Collective Worship in the Life of Holy Name Catholic Primary School
Collective Worship at Christ the Holy Name School provides opportunities for pupils and staff to come together to worship God. It will have Christ at its heart and, while respecting diversity of belief and commitment, will be Catholic in character, reflecting the liturgical tradition of the Church. We endorse the belief that Collective Worship takes into account the religious and educational needs of all who share in it.
Worship in this school is more than just a legal requirement. It is an integral part of school life and central to the Catholic tradition. It will be related to the ‘day-to-day life, aspirations, and concerns of the school.’ (Education Reform Act 1988.)
Prayer Life at Holy Name
Prayers in class daily – Morning Prayer, Grace before and after lunch & Hometime prayer.
Monday – Whole School Worship led by the Leadership team.
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday – Collective Worship in class. This will be planned and led by children and staff following a weekly or current theme.
Friday – Whole School Worship and Golden Assembly led by the Senior Leadership Team. The teacher will plan and involve their class in this celebration of prayer and liturgy.