Pupil Voice at Holy Name

Here at Holy Name, we strongly believe that our pupils are the most important members of our school community. We therefore ensure that every single pupil has the opportunity to voice their opinions on things that matter to them most.

Each year, there are elections for a wide range of different roles within the school that cover a huge range of responsibilities. We have a School Council, an Eco Committee, a Fairtrade Committee, Playground Buddies, There are also Tuck Shop Executives and Maths Buddies. Each role comes with its own responsibilities and all include a huge sacrifice of the pupils’ time (play times, lunch times and after school). They take part in the organisation of events and activities, they contribute to governors meetings and they share the responsibility of looking after the needs (both educational and emotional) of our pupils.

All pupils are encouraged to share their opinions and ideas with their representatives. In this way, we at Holy Name work together as one great big team. Everybody here at Holy Name is extremely proud of every single one of our pupils. Pupils are encouraged to share ideas, offer support, work collaboratively, respect each other’s opinions, work to their strengths, stand up for each other and generally work together with the intention of making our school the best it can be for every single pupil.

Pupil Voice Week 2022

We ensured our collective voices were heard during Pupil Voice Week. This year's theme focussed on the importance of using our voices to solve problems. Here at Holy Name, we nurture our pupils to have the confidence to use their voice, not only to help each other but for their own self esteem.